7. Mr Custa and The Space Amulet

Who or what is stealing random objects from the Space museum? What is the land that lies between? What does the inside of a Fluffy Teddy Monster look like? What does true madness sound like? And what has happened to Brok…?

Mr.Custa and the Space Amulet

Story Seven2010


  • Mr. Custa – Mathew Cobb
  • Sia – Sara Beamish
  • Brok / Forsyth – Aaron Nicholas-Wood
  • Fly / Guardian / Granny – Philip Whitmore
  • Man in the Street – Oli Williams
  • Mr. Main / Policeman – Lee Bannister
  • Announcer – Lee Bannister
  • Music – AKM copyright free music
  • Mr. Custa Theme – Michael Skywood Clifford
  • Writer – Aaron Nicholas-Wood
  • Creator and Producer – Philip Whitmore
  • Director – Philip Whitmore

I’d known (writer) Aaron for years, so it wasn’t a great surprise when he wrote not one, not two, but THREE “Mr Custa” stories for the radio.

The first story “Space Amulet”, I think was inspired by my original “Mr Custa” movie script (never made (yet!), originally written in 2001), which involved the intergalactic quest to recapture a lost space amulet.

I remember Aaron saying at the time he wanted to have a go at writing this story.

Aaron’s story was very different to “the movie script” and featured the big-chinned villain Forsyth, who was played by Aaron.

My favourite thing about this story however was the giant “woolly ogre” - Fluffy. Aaron said at the time he imagined it to be “a bit like the Honey Monster, but giant and red” Big enough to comfortably swallow three people and a fly and still not get indigestion.